Tax Services

Income Tax Compliance Services

KDM Tax not only provides all compliance needs for individuals and their related entities, we go beyond.  We assess your tax needs and strategies within the context of your personal overall financial goals.


Small businesses

Gift tax


Income Tax Planning & Consulting

Effective planning requires both technical expertise and an in-depth knowledge of your current and future goals and needs.  We factor all sources of income, maximize deductions, consider charitable intent coupled with short-term and long-term goals both personally and professionally.

Executive compensation planning, including ESOPs, NQSO, ISO, RSU, ESIP planning, and bonus timing

Retirement planning, 401K, IRA, ROTH IRA, SEP IRA, Solo 401K and Defined Benefit Plans

Cash sufficiency analysis

Planning around changing state residency

Alternative minimum tax planning

Education savings

Cash flow planning

Tax Audit & Controversy Support

The IRS and state taxing authorities continue to increase focus on high income taxpayers and their related entities.  KDM Tax provides careful planning and support from onset to resolution.

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